Magdalene Laundries

What they are in denial of is their fear of knowing and telling the truth. This is the thing. They fear the terrible “God” that has wielded these terrors and horrors. They are not necessarily “in denial”, as they are subconsciously catatonic, severely traumatized. That’s what they are in denial about, not the truth, but the wrath. They know the truth. C. Villeneuve

The religious practice of making people shamed, as though nothing but dirt, in order to enslave them to striving for redemption.


Stolen Intellectual Property

talkingover3   talkingover

Hey folks, the reason why the tag line “black lives matter” was created was to draw attention to and raise awareness of how black folks have been historically, and still are, treated as though their lives don’t matter, simply because they are black. The tag line was NOT created to say that no other lives matter. To suggest that, is to be spoiled, and, quite frankly, a whiner.
My guess is that the tag line was born mainly from the experience of being targeted by the legal system because of being black. There are other “groups”, including aboriginal people and poor people, for example, who also experience this. To say that these groups are in jail more often because they are more prone to criminal activity is ignorant at best. It is regressive, not progressive.
Let “black lives matter”. Let people speak out about injustice and cruelty without ALWAYS drowning them out pretending all of a sudden that “all lives matter”.
Here’s a thought – I wonder if the black folks could sue in court that their branding slogan has been stolen. You gotta admit, it’s a good one, a lot of people using it now.

Smoking and Success


This question was on Quora today and I decided to post an answer, one learned from experience –

What smart strategies should poor kids do to succeed in both life and education?

There are many ways that this could take place but developing the strength to avoid succumbing to negative peer pressure could make all of the difference. Negative peer pressure is more prevalent and intense in poor neighborhoods and tends to be one of the main ways that poverty keeps its grip on families.

An excellent way to avoid the pitfalls of peer pressure would be to never start smoking cigarettes. I know this seems odd, but when someone makes a decision to do something that is so obviously bad for them, costly, and really has no positive return, they open a mental door that makes it easier to make more of those decisions.

Also, when a young person smokes cigarettes they are likely to spend time with other people who smoke in places where young smokers gather. If the smokers are young enough, these places will tend to be away from onlookers and therefore begin the process of disenfranchising from regular society.

When young smokers are at school they will hang out in the smoking area of the school rather than spend their lunch hour participating in sports or other healthier and more positive activities. Right from the get go the smoker is beginning to associate with other “rebels” and beginning to develop or strengthen cynical attitudes towards society.

So, based on the above, you have a poor young person who is choosing to engage in very risky behavior. You now have a cynical risk taker who is developing a peer network of others who are the same. Eyes begin to glaze over with belligerence and the habit of trying not to get “caught”.

If you can keep your kids from smoking cigarettes, you can go a long way to keeping them off of the wrong path. Schools could do a lot to promote staying out of the smoking area by promoting a lot of extracurricular activities and providing a lot of opportunities for high risk children to have safe places to do homework, develop talents, and access positive mentoring.

In short, keep kids out of the smoking areas of life.

C. Villeneuve

Positively Nasty

apple about to drop

Over the last 20 years I have watched several women’s lives, including my own, be devastatingly destroyed by spoiled, selfish men and their silly, stupid wives and girlfriends. Why? Because these women dared to tell the truth about their lives, they dared to stand up to men and to silly gossipers, they dared to try to make the world a less abusive place to live. It turns out that the mainstream, the normal, the so-called good, don’t want the world to be a less abusive place, that when push really comes to shove, these so-called good people are really only just looking for a perfectly orchestrated little gated community where they can leave those who suffer to moan negatively on the other side of its soundproof walls.

Yes, it seems, that the so-called heroes, the men, want women to simply put up and shut up as best they can and if the abuse, including starvation, is too great, then they should just stay in their miserable little part of life and not venture out to disturb anyone with that reality. It seems, also, that their silly stupid women have become so skilled at appeasing these beasts in return for precarious illusions of stability and love that any hint of the reality that so many suffer on our planet sends them into a frenzy, suddenly they become the warriors they should have been against the abusers. Suddenly they’re into speaking up – about THEIR rights – the ones they earned appeasing, enabling, and even deliberately promoting the abusers.

C. Villeneuve

Moving Monsters

wooden fence

Here is what I have learned about life. When women are in trouble and need help, or have been seriously damaged, they cannot get justice for that. They cannot go to the courts (as we all know), they cannot get justice from the government (as we all know), they cannot get justice from the church (as we all know) and they cannot get justice from “God” (as we all know). Oh, and by the way, they cannot get justice from their society, family, and friends neither (as we all know).

The only thing women have been able to hope for at all as a sweet little pat on the head saying there, there now, be nice and just go away. Women are expected to accept their losses, put a forgiving hat on, smile, and go forward seriously damaged and therefore operating at a severe disadvantage. Any bits of bandaid help that they do get is the minimum that all of these entities mentioned above can get away with offering, and women are expected to gush relentless gratitude for that for fear of losing even that little bit of “mercy”.

In the process, that women is usually severely slandered and ostracized by all of these lovely entities mentioned above while those who did the damage carouse around with smug grins on their faces, further adding insult to injury.

I know that this doesn’t just happen to women but I know that women need the floor here, for a change, just for themselves, because I truly believe that to heal women is to heal life.

We all know, that people who enjoy doing damage to others love to force those they damage to “alchemize” their bitterness, push it down where it causes all kinds of diseases and self-hating symptoms. Wow, you know, it almost makes me wish that I had chosen to be one of these nasty, needy, selfish, people, because it must be quite a squirt for them to be able to get that much reward for doing damage to others for the simple thrill of it.

What I really wish though, is that the other folks on the planet would stop protecting, supporting, and richly rewarding these nasty squirt machines. They do so by such intelligent acts as helping to silence those who are damaged, further increasing the damage by helping these nasty squirt machines to slander and ostracize those they hurt, and by demanding that the damaged adopt a saintly forgiving and “accepting” attitude and stop demanding or needing any kind of recompense, including the freedom to simply tell the truth.

Truth is our only way out. Truth is the only thing that stops and disempowers evil and abuse. Truth is the only thing that truly clears the way for healing. Truth is the only thing that nurtures and honors that healing and the person doing the healing. Truth is the only thing that will take us out of the darkness trembling in fear of the monsters under the bed and over our heads. Truth is the only thing that shrinks those monsters down to size and restores sanity to the human mind. Truth is the only thing that takes us from mere survival and tiptoeing self-defense, to life, real, creative, expansive, and joyous life.

The only thing negative about truth is the enormous and crushing resistance to it, and, let me remind, in case it has been forgotten, that that resistance is as enormous and crushing as it is because it knows the power of truth. Remember, what the monsters fear most is for the human eye and the human mind to see them for what they are – small pathetic beings who hide in the darkness so that they may seem more powerful than they are.

Do not fear your anger. Be more afraid of being afraid of your anger. Your anger is the voice that pushes that resistance off of you. It is sharp and tells the truth and moves mountains and mountains of bullshit out of the way. Being afraid of that anger causes you to shrink inside causing the monster to smile and loom more overwhelmingly between you and the sky. It also causes that anger to fester and become disease, maybe eventually turning you into the monster. Don’t be afraid of your anger.

Tell the truth as best as you can muster even if it makes the world around you uncomfortable because truly you are only making the monsters uncomfortable. Keep doing it, because every person who tells the truth makes it easier for the next person who is afraid, to also tell the truth. Trust in that.

For those who are frightened when people tell the truth, please trust that truth is sanity and fear is insanity. Try with all your might to keep from silencing those who are telling the truth, because those truth tellers are moving monsters out of our way.

C. Villeneuve



When I started this blog I didn’t know what it would be.  Well, actually, that’s not true.  I knew that it would be a mish mash of things.  There would be some poetry, some recipes, some music, and I knew that there would be rants.  I knew this and I warned you.

I’m writing this post to let you know that there will probably be more rants and that they will be scathingly honest.  I have found that the world has changed a lot in my lifetime and one of the changes I’ve witnessed has been this relentless demand from people to always be nice and if you are not nice, be polite about it.

Passive/aggressive politeness is not “nice”.  Maybe I’m old school but I grew up believing that honesty was more valuable than a smile with knives behind it.  It seems that people have been lured into this idea that if they smile and pretend to be nice then everything will go their way.  I think the saying is “smile and the world will smile with you”.

What this really is, is people hiding their nastiness behind a veneer of happiness and goodness and then basically demanding, because they are smiling, that the world smile back at them.  Nasty people do not deserve to be smiled at.

There comes a time when nasty people need to be brought out from behind their passive/aggressive smiles and dealt with for who and what they really are.  Why should I have to go around smiling and being polite to people who are being nasty to me behind my back?

Why should I have to breathe in their nasty and backstabbing energy while smiling at them and then swallowing their bitterness.  This, for me, amounts to violence and I’m being told that it is rude for me to defend myself against it.  It is toxic and abusive.  It amounts to an abusive relationship and it is a rampant phenomenon taking place in the world today.

Truly, this world needs healing and healing, true healing, does not take place in an environment of dishonesty.  Dishonesty fuels and nurtures illness.  Honesty releases illness.  This is why honesty often begins sounding pretty dirty and dark.  It is usually something that has been withheld for ages and has become pretty ugly by the time it hits the light.

This kind of healing takes courage for exactly that reason, but this kind of healing will eventually reveal to you that all of those old, dark, ugly shapes were just like the monsters under the bed.  Once you summon up that courage and look under that bed, that monster shrinks and usually runs away, often leaving kind of a sad, pathetic residue.

Healing allows compassion for those monsters and an instinct for tenderness and love towards the sad, pathetic residue left behind.  Healing washes away that residue and leaves one feeling refreshed, new, and able to take in real sunlight, real happiness, doing away with the need for false niceness and passive/aggressive smiles.

When I started this blog I stated on my home page that some of my posts may get your goat, that some may make you cry, and some may make you just want to shut me out.  As you may have noticed, this has proven true.

If I have stirred you somewhere below the surface then truthfully I am glad and maybe if it initiates or inspires a healing process for you then, that is for you to take credit for.  I am not a button pusher.  I will not try to piss you off just because I get my jollies doing that.  I am real and real is often messy, doesn’t follow some linear, ordered, and neat path.

You will witness me being and becoming real in front of you and you will witness me reverting to superficial passive/aggressive niceness but it will be real, part of a process, not an attempt to do violence to you while scoring points for how wonderful I am.

Every now and then I may even be happy and if all goes well, maybe even infect you with that happiness.  We can dream.  I hope so.

This blog, though, will primarily attempt honesty because I believe honesty fuels healing, brings evil down to size, and ultimately allows love to rule the day.  That is really the goal isn’t it, that love, therefore sanity, rules the day.

C. Villeneuve


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What I find interesting is that I know if I were to post things that chastised women for being “promiscuous” I would be popular. If I were to babble on about how women should smile their faces off in the face of all atrocities and abuse I would have millions of friends. What is even more interesting is that the unkindness I have received in response to expressing views that are anti-chauvinist has come primarily from women. Some of us don’t like abuse. I know that may seem odd to the self-sacrificing anti-depressant addicts out there but it’s really true. Some of us don’t like abuse. We don’t smile at it.

To me, when women persecute other women for standing up to male chauvinism, yes I said it, male chauvinism, those women are perpetrating abuse and should be held accountable for that. Smiling at abuse and the dehumanizing of women and children is not a positive attitude. It is cowardly at best and abusive, even evil, at worst. I personally don’t care if this opinion makes you uncomfortable. Maybe it’s time you were uncomfortable.

Most women on our planet, yes I said OUR planet, are not married with 2 point something children, living in suburbia and making dinner on marble countertops. You are not in the majority. You are, in fact, a very small minority talking over everybody else.

There are many people experiencing indescribable suffering all over our planet, many are actually being tortured – tortured by other adults.  I repeat, tortured by other adults.  These adults seem to think that all they have to do is spew a bunch of airy fairy pontificating religious propaganda and societal mores out into our air space, yes I said OUR air space, and everyone should just fall, their faces to the ground and accept all of this shit, yes, I said shit.

I am sorry if people crying out and bravely standing up to these pontificating spoiled brat arseholes on our planet is ruining your antidepressant buzz today, or if these voices make you feel stupid, small, and petty for thinking that spending three to four hundred dollars a month on hair and nails is the most important thing a girl can do.  Actually, I’m not sorry for that.  Burn.

Feel that?  Welcome to the world as it is.  Ready to yell and fight and change it yet?  Warning – you may break a nail and that precious white lace of religious comfort may fall from your breast.  Consider good comfortable running shoes and a skin that can take some wear and tear.

In other words, to all of you positive attitude touting religious cowards out there still gossiping about the town slut, too bad so sad.  Smiling at torture, abuse, and the degradation of the human race in the name of a giant bully, is not a positive attitude, it is perverse.  And that town slut ain’t the problem.

C. Villeneuve

The Good ‘ole Days


What we need, to fix all of the problems in the world, is to allow the men to go back to their roles as hunters and brutes so that the women can go back to their roles as long suffering nurturers of all things who pick up all the slack and take all of the flack. Yeah, that’s it. Then we could go back to calling the governments and the rich, the gentile, as they keep their hands clean getting the masses to roll around in the dirt on their behalf. That, of course, would allow the masses to continue to wail and flail themselves around in blissful admiration, in awe of the gentile, praising them as gods, and ever trying to be like them. This would allow the whole human race to continue to blame its own dissipation on an ethereal being called the devil and place the responsibility for its own redemption in the hands of an absence called God. Yep, that would do it. All of our problems would be solved.

C. Villeneuve

Humanity and Violence

Humanity and Violence.

This interaction took place in the comments section of this post from the blog chotisibaatein –

mottyl says:

Maybe they are not the authorities. People in authoritative garb, in authoritative positions, are just people. I think we’ve all been taught for too long to put to much trust, too much of the decision-making power into the hands of those in authoritative garb, in authoritative positions.

Liked by 1 person

  • True, I guess we are blindly following their instructions… But what’s the opposite? Anarchy?

    Liked by you

  • mottyl says:

    Yes, actually, anarchy is the opposite, but anarchy, again assumes garbed and positioned authority figures as a given. Anarchy, in this sense, implies rebellion, but true anarchy isn’t rebellion nor is it the opposite of obedience. True anarchy takes place when individuals recover their own minds, hearts, and souls, and make that their governing compass. So, anarchy in that sense, is the only means to freedom. It is not an opposite then, because it does not assume any outer authority figure as an immovable or inevitable given. True anarchy is the experience of self-ownership. That is the experience that makes anything possible because it makes all outer authority transient and illusory. It is how true freedom takes place.
    If common individuals expressed and interacted on the planet from that starting point, no outer authority figure, corrupt or otherwise, could hold the kind of power that has caused so many atrocities on our planet.
    True anarchy is the journey to and experience of self-ownership. It is the basis of all sincere human rights activism. To thine own self be true.