The Bar is Open!

cartoon bluegrass cats       Good Morning folks!  Just wanted everybody to know that the bar is open over at Mottyl’s Muses.  I know it may be too early for many of us, but as they say, it must be five o’clock somewhere, right?

Head on over by clicking on the “Let’s Go Shopping” heading in the menu or by clicking this link

You can find everything you need to get the entertainment rolling.  There are wine accessories and all of the equipment you will need to shake yourself up a delicious and refreshing cocktail.

If you’re looking for something to read on your way into the bar, check out the bookstore there too, and for those who have someone waiting at home who may not appreciate you staying too long at the bar, mosey on in and pick up a gift at the kitchen store.

Sounds like it’s going to be a lovely evening.

Mottyl Goes Shopping!

mosaic cat

Hello again everybody, I have some news for you!

I have set my shop back up again on this blog!  It is called Mottyl’s Muses.  So far, I’ve stocked it with books, Kindle readers and accessories, and, yes, lovely kitchen gadgets you can use for bedazzling your family and friends with your kitchen wizardry.

I will eventually add music, maybe some bath supplies, and to make the day complete, some bar supplies.  Why not, we deserve it, right?!

I am offering this as an Amazon Affiliate because every blogger needs an income to pay for the coffee and beverages and the chocolate – let’s not forget the chocolate.

I truly hope you head on in to Mottly’s Muses and lose yourself in the bookstore or maybe plan your next dinner party.  You will be supporting a good cause – a fellow blogger.

You can find the shop by clicking on the “Let’s Go Shopping” link on the menu or the link in the footer or by clicking here:

You will notice me posting the odd favorite product on my blog just to get you itching to head in to Mottyl’s Muses.  

Happy shopping and blogging everybody!