Top Ten Stupidities of Present Human Consciousness


These are not in any particular order:

Protesters, not the tyrants they protest against, are the dangerous people.

Tyranny and suffering are an inevitable part of life.

Going along with oppressive culture is wise and demonstrates maturity.

It’s natural that women should play an inferior role to men.

Obeying authority figures is more important than caring about the average human being.

People who suffer actually created that for themselves by themselves.

Being aware that things are not so good on the planet is really just a negative attitude.

If we continue to increase GWP poverty will cease to be.

There is a magic guy in the sky helping us.

Bibles stop hunger.

Sunday Soup

You know those peelings that you scrape into the garbage?  Well, throw them into your blender instead.  Why?  Because they add ummppphh to your soup.

When you throw them into your blender, they become the flavor that your long-simmering vegetables lack, or the texture that that thin little broth is missing.  They add color too and vitamins,  vitamins equal food.

I remember when I was a kid, and no, I wasn’t insulted by the term “kid”, I read a story called “Nail Soup”.  It, in fact was taught to us in school.  It was a story about a wanderer who showed up at a woman’s door asking if she had anything to feed him with.

In the story, the woman said she had nothing and the wanderer asked to be let inside anyway and proceeded to make a soup by asking her if she had a pot and a nail.  Of course, the woman said she did have those things.

When the woman had produced the pot and the nail, the wanderer asked her to fill the pot up with water because he knew how to make something called nail soup.  The woman complied and put the pot onto a flame on the stove.

As the water was heating up and coming to a boil, the wanderer asked the woman if she might have an onion just to perk up the soup, and, of course, she did, and produced the onion, which went into the soup.

The wanderer then asked her if she happened to have a potato hanging around her premises, and, well, she admitted that, in fact, she did have a potato or two hanging around her premises, and it got added to the soup.

The wanderer then asked her if she had, maybe a mushroom or two, happening to be lurking in her cupboards or about, and, well, she did, and produced them.

By the time they were done, a most glorious soup was simmering and coming on the stove and the two were bound to a most satisfying dinner, all from a nail.

I never forgot this story.  It made me hungry, taught me wondrously about food and its bounty, and about those spiritual things that can be hard to explain, even if they are the most basic and simple things of life.

In the long run, generosity is easier and more satisfying than miserlyness, greed, or fear of the king.

A good soup is often better than witchary, wizardry, or religion.

And nails make good soup.

C. Villeneuve

Sunday soup.



Never let a liar win, even if he has a gun. Tell the truth even if you are losing. That will put the odds in truth’s favor. Fear is a tool that bullies use to make themselves seem stronger. Never fear weak people. Rebel against government. Government is just people. Respect all people by rebelling against bullshit. You ain’t doing an evil person a favor if you tremble in silence when they take loud, perverted tantrums. If you truly want to forgive or be gracious, or whatever, tell an asshole he is an asshole.

whimsical_landscape_folk_art_canvas_print_blond_girl_red_bird_tree_8908d051C. Villeneuve

“Popularity is more important than doing what is right”

This guy says “love is the most powerful weapon on Earth” and he is right.  I say that kindness, true kindness, not just the kind that shows up when the cameras are rolling, but the kind that truly undermines cruelty, is the most rebellious thing a person can do nowadays.  Be a rebel, overthrow cruelty and the harshness of superficiality and get real.  Feel the pain that is there in your heart when you witness homelessness, war, poverty, bullying, and cruelty.  Feel that pain and let it motivate you to reach forward and outstretch your hand to stop it.  Do it even when it isn’t popular and it will help to make it popular.

Telling the truth isn’t negative.  It is an expression of disapproval for the superficial veneer that covers so many atrocities on our planet.  It is the way.  It is the shortest distance between ourselves and those we are reaching out to in love.  We need it.  We all need it so badly.

Do not let the liars win.  Do not let the bullies intimidate.  Shine that light even if you are scared.  We are all scared.  Be the one to stand up when that person is being ostracized and be the one to go over and talk to the one sitting alone because he or she doesn’t fit in.  Be kind.  Be truly kind and be brave.  Be scared and be brave.  It’s okay.  We can do this.

C. Villeneuve

The Good People

people praying2

For those who fight for human rights on our planet, you need to understand that the middle class are a tough bunch when it comes to actually making progress, they can often be where your greatest resistance is coming from. You see, middle class folks are in the position of feeling pressured to be very obedient towards leaders and gods, but are also in need of the gains made by those who fight for human rights. What happens is that the middle class will stay silent, at best, when the most oppressed of our world stand up and fight for human rights, but then in turn they will enjoy the benefits gained in those fights. They do not wish to be punished by the upper echelons of our world so they don’t visibly stand up against injustice, and often very loudly speak out against those who do, yet it is the middle class who often take up the gains hard won by those who fought, and run with them, leaving those who fought, to flounder in the gutters of disobedience.

C. Villeneuve

Stop It!

Okay people, stop with the religion already.  For real, if you are not capable of being kind to each other without a religion, then you are probably deficient in the kindness department in the first place and that is a personal issue that you need to work on.  If you are not willing to work on that personal issue then you should be separated from the rest of the kiddies in the playground until you learn to interact as a human being.

I don’t care what religion you claim to go on a shooting spree in the name of, you need to be shut down.  I remember when I was younger and boys would become so upset if you called them a goof.  That is what this incident in France reminds me of – the boys who freaked out because someone called them a goof.  It truly is time to stop catering to these spoiled children, and that is what they are.

We are human beings.  We live here on the planet right now.  That’s it people.  That’s all.  The fricking hill belongs to everybody.  Stop fighting over it like a bunch of stupid children who missed nap time today.  It doesn’t matter what religion anyone is from or what fake god you pray to.  What matters is this – Are you alright?  Did you eat today?  Do you have a warm and safe place to live?  Are your loved ones ok?

I know, I know, radical eh?  Religion is a lie, an excuse boys use to fight over hills.  Sorry boys, but that is the truth.  You all need to have your little war toys taken away from you.  Put the goddamned guns down, eat something and maybe take a nap.  Your mommy loves you, she really does.

Yes, I am writing in anger.  Yes, this is a rant.