A Store!

Hello folks!

I am excited to tell you all that, just in time for Christmas, I have set up a little store for you to do some shopping. It is called Mottyl’s Muses. It is just opening, so I’ve started out with books and kindle readers. I will add more goodies over the next couple of days. Continue reading

Praise Feminists!

apple about to drop

Praise Feminists

Ok folks, lately I’ve been feeling some rants coming on. Here’s one for the women in the world

If you can’t honor and support feminists at least as much as y’all say we should support our troops, then I suggest that you hand back your cheque book and close your bank accounts because feminism is why you’re “allowed” to have your own money and sign your own cheques. You should also quit your job because feminism is why women can now actually be paid to work.

Don’t forget to hand back your college and university diplomas because feminism did that too. Forfeit your driver’s licence and forget about getting tipsy on wine and being able to brag about it. And as for second marriages, under chauvinism only widows can remarry.

Back away from that birth control pill and maternity leave and daycare and flexible work schedules. Forget about equal pay and you should probably not go out jogging after dark.

“Overweight” women should just stop feeling good about themselves and female entrepreneurs need to just pack it in and go home and stoke the home fires. Write “mule” or “dog” across your foreheads because feminism is why women are now legally called human beings on the planet. Shall I go on? Please stop spitting on the feminists. Praise us, worship us, kiss our feet, thank us, honor us, support us.

C. Villeneuve

Thank you


I want to say thanks to those people who have already liked and chosen to follow my blog.  It is very encouraging considering that I haven’t really provided anything for anyone to enjoy yet.  It makes me feel that you all know what it’s like getting started and are curious about what I have to say.

Very motivating and much appreciated.  Thank you.


Hello Everybody


Lucky me, I’ve started this blog during one of the best and worst times of the year, Christmas time.  I am truly new to this so it will take me awhile to get it right but in the meantime you will all be on this journey with me.