Writing on Our Feet

wishing star

Sorry folks, I know that I was writing “Wizard Haikus” as I was posting it, but it was one of those things.  I started out with one haiku and then felt another one coming on, then another, and decided that I should make a brief story.

I know there still isn’t a story there, but who know, maybe it will develop.  Maybe it won’t.

I had fun doing this though.  It was like an experiment.  I am aware that it would be frustrating for those who are trying to read it though, and finding that it keeps disappearing and reappearing.

It is done, for now.  I won’t add to it, not yet, if ever.


Wizard Haikus – A Story


He is a wizard

blazing, blue crystal ice fires

walking stick, a staff,

Story weaves his face

war, rage red behind his eyes

waving hand, a fire,

Black the bird upon

his eye, his magical mouth

a spell pursed and strung,

His traveller’s bow

held high his song o’er mountains

through trails twisted low,

He could pass slow there

amongst the creatures and streams

he could touch sun there,

Finding muse in light

a man, just old, a father

bent in twinkling smiles,

They believe him there

or so they pretend, afraid

to raise his gnarled hand,

From his knee, draped kind

his sleepy eyes a conceit

of magic and wise,

The moon there above

behind will shine a silent

shush above the trees,

A steady warning

that he will rise, a tyrant

wielding soldiers on

C. Villeneuve

The Good ‘ole Days


What we need, to fix all of the problems in the world, is to allow the men to go back to their roles as hunters and brutes so that the women can go back to their roles as long suffering nurturers of all things who pick up all the slack and take all of the flack. Yeah, that’s it. Then we could go back to calling the governments and the rich, the gentile, as they keep their hands clean getting the masses to roll around in the dirt on their behalf. That, of course, would allow the masses to continue to wail and flail themselves around in blissful admiration, in awe of the gentile, praising them as gods, and ever trying to be like them. This would allow the whole human race to continue to blame its own dissipation on an ethereal being called the devil and place the responsibility for its own redemption in the hands of an absence called God. Yep, that would do it. All of our problems would be solved.

C. Villeneuve