Fried Egg Sandwich

Western Sandwich       Westernsandwich

Okay folks, I admit it, my blog is odd, but today we’re going to talk about food.

I had a western sandwich for dinner tonight. We all know what they are, and you may think they are overrated, that they are nothing but glorified fried egg sandwiches with ham in them, but no, they’re not.

You see, there’s something curious about food. Consider a bowl of noodles with some meatballs, some sauce, and throw on your favorite cheese. Excellent. Sounds yummy, right?

Now take those meatballs and wrap the noodle around each one. Then drop them in some sauce, sprinkle on some cheese, and bake. A whole new taste experience! The interesting thing about this perspective on food is this – once you consider wrapping the meatball in the noodle, you start thinking of other things you could wrap in with the meatball. Bacon comes to mind, or maybe several layers of spinach.

Now you’re getting the picture. A western sandwich is so much more than a fried egg sandwich with ham in it. Add some onions, nice chunks, dice as much ham into that egg as you desire. Fill the pan with this concoction and make some toast. I like ketchup on mine. You’ll see. When this comes together, it’s a Western Sandwich, capitol letters.

The beauty of this is that, like the noodle and the meatball, your mind can start to wander. I’m imagining chicken in there instead of ham, maybe with a bit of chopped oranges and fresh ground pepper. I’m thinking beef, mushrooms, and green onions. Why not throw in some chopped green beans?

Food. It’s like that. You could even go as far as to call it transcendent. Take two or three ingredients and consider how many ways to transform them into something with capitol letters. A dish.

Oh, oh! I’m picturing meatballs in that pan mixed with the egg and the onions. Hmmn, I think some cherry tomatoes sound delicious, and a baguette. Yes, a baguette. La dee da!

By the way, when you make your Western Sandwich, fill that pan. Divide it like pizza and you’ll have more sandwiches later. This heats up really easily, even in the pan.

Go forth folks. Make food and transcend!

C. Villeneuve





Stolen Intellectual Property

talkingover3   talkingover

Hey folks, the reason why the tag line “black lives matter” was created was to draw attention to and raise awareness of how black folks have been historically, and still are, treated as though their lives don’t matter, simply because they are black. The tag line was NOT created to say that no other lives matter. To suggest that, is to be spoiled, and, quite frankly, a whiner.
My guess is that the tag line was born mainly from the experience of being targeted by the legal system because of being black. There are other “groups”, including aboriginal people and poor people, for example, who also experience this. To say that these groups are in jail more often because they are more prone to criminal activity is ignorant at best. It is regressive, not progressive.
Let “black lives matter”. Let people speak out about injustice and cruelty without ALWAYS drowning them out pretending all of a sudden that “all lives matter”.
Here’s a thought – I wonder if the black folks could sue in court that their branding slogan has been stolen. You gotta admit, it’s a good one, a lot of people using it now.